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Photos taken with infrared camera.
Date: September 29, 2018
Investigators: Terrie McClay, Terry Susi and Kelly Payne, with owners, Tom and Sharon.
Location: First floor
After experiencing a history of paranormal activity in their home, Sharon and Tom called our team and invited us do an investigation. When member Terry Susi first entered the parlor she was overwhelmed with an unexpected sadness that brought her to tears. Later, while the others chatted, I took a series of photos of the rooms on the first floor. The pictures below are of the parlor where Terry felt the strong emotions. When I returned home and examined the photos I noticed what appeared to be a white mist materializing on the left-hand side in the first four photos, fading to almost nothing in the last photo.
The anomaly on the left-hand side appears in the same locations as the mist in the previous photos.
Anomaly interacts with Tom in the parlor.
Anomaly interacts with Sharon in the parlor.
Second Floor

Boobear, our interactive teddy bear, is designed to react to the environment just like a human investigator, asking questions, detecting changes in EMF, movement, temperature and vibration. He played an important role in the following two videos.
I am the red anomaly that enters through the doorway. Kelly is the blue one. When I return to the doorway, I am now the color green. I'm holding Boobear in my right arm. He continues to say, “I like hugs,” “Boobear is ticklish,” “Ahh, thanks. I like holding hands with you,” “That tickles,” and “I like hugs.” These are phrases that are not in Boobear's routine, only spoken when something paranormal interacts with his sensors.
I continue to sense something behind me, then a feel a strong tingling sensation starts at my feet and works its way through my entire body.

The doorway that I was standing in, and the bedroom behind me from where I felt the presence.
Second Bedroom
Two small anomalies playing on the bed while we're packing up the equipment.

The bedroom where the two small anomalies were playing on the bed.
I'd like to say a few words about orbs. As you may have notice we rarely post orbs, or claim that we have captured them on photos or video. The reason for this is due to our team being extremely skeptical of orbs. They are often mistaken for spots on the lens, dust particles or moisture such as dew, rain and snow. However, there are those rare times when we aren't able to debunk them. Below is a series of photos taken that evening. I'll let you be the judge.

This photo is of the bedroom from the video above, using an infrared camera. There are two glowing balls - one orange and one blue.

This is the same photo, after using Auto-level in the Paint program to lighten and enhance it. Now, three glowing balls are visible.

This possible orb was debunked. In looking through photos that I had taken earlier in the day, you can see in the second photo that the orange glow came from an electrical candle.

This possible orb was also debunked. This one we believe to be a reflection from the bedpost. It gave off no light of its own on the original dark photo.

This is the one that intrigues me. At first I thought it might be the reflection in the window from my flash, as seen in the second photo above, but I ruled that out when I remembered that I didn't use a flash with the original photo. I shot blindly into the dark room. Next I considered that the blue glow was from the second candle, the one below on the windowsill. But reconsidered. This orb gave off its own light in the darkness, like the candle did, but it was blue rather than the orange glow that the candle gave off. Plus the blue orb was much higher up than the candle on the windowsill. I marked its proximity with a red dot on the second photo. I also believe, due to the angle from where I was standing, that the second candle may have been hidden behind the stand with the flowers when I shot into the darkness.

The photo on the left is the original photo, enlarged. The one on the right is the blue orb-like glow enlarged.
A third anomaly appears on the bed. This is the same room where I was investigating the blue orb-like glow.
More activity in the Parlor
Anomaly interacts with Sharon in the parlor again. This time she gets a tingling sensation on both arms, and we discover that there are anomalies on both sides of her.
Two anomalies interact with each other in the parlor.
Two anomalies continue to interact with each other in the parlor while Sharon and Tom share a few of their experiences since purchasing the house.
Third Floor Attic

There was so much activity throughout the house that we didn't have much time to thoroughly investigate the attic. Several of the anomalies were interacting with Boobear, not only on the second floor, but the third as well. We're not sure if they followed us up the stairs from the second floor or whether they were different anomalies all together.
It was a warm evening on Saturday when we did our investigation. The windows of the old Victorian home were open, and a light breeze fluttered through the curtains. Later, when I listened to the digital recordings I could hear children laughing and playing on the sidewalk, cars and trucks, and other sounds from outside, making it difficult to determine whether or not some of them where actually EVPs.
Date: September 29, 2018
Location: Victorian home in Chrisfield, MD, second floor.
File: 180929_002. Part Three.EVP3.mp3
EVP: A deep unidentified male voice. Boobear is on the floor in the hallway of the second floor with a digital recorder beside him. Kelly and I are in the same hallway, setting up cameras. Terry is downstairs with the owners. She can be heard talking in the background. The male voice sounds very loud and close to the recorder.
We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Sharon and Tom for inviting us into their beautiful home, and for sharing their experiences with us.

Contact: Terrie McClay
Updated 9/03/19
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